The Big Picture

In the current changing climate of the Church of Scotland, our church in Kirkintilloch has begun to work more closely with our neighbours at St. Mary's, and with our friends at Lenzie Old and Lenzie Union Parish Churches. This page is dedicated to sharing the latest news in terms of what that work will look like both as a congregation, and as a cluster of congregations, and what changes we can expect to see in the coming weeks and months.


So what's the latest?

Our two Kirk Sessions (that's SDMP and St. Mary's) have been meeting regularly since November 2022. These meetings were harmonious and as a result both Kirk Sessions agreed explore further the way towards a union of the two congregations. From this it was decided that a working party consisting of three Elders, three members, the two moderators and the two Session Clerks from each congregation should be established. This working party has met twice now, with regular meetings in the weeks ahead.

The working party will seek to formulate the Basis of Union document, this is a legal document which must be agreed by both Kirk Session and both congregations, it then needs to be approved by the Presbytery of Glasgow.


The newsletter below provides a summary of the key decisions and highlights from the last meeting. It also lists those from each of our two congregations who serve on this group. The working party meets fortnightly, and we will update you all accordingly after each meeting.


There is a box at the side door of the church (the entrance via the halls) and one in the Large Hall, both of which are there for your thoughts, questions and suggestions as to what you feel the group should consider.

Letter from our Vacant Charge Enabler

We are grateful to Paul Cathcart, one of the presbytery's Vacant Charge Enablers. Paul is working with us as we navigate the challenges and opportunities ahead of us during our period of vacancy, and as we seek to form a union with our friends at St Mary's. Paul has written the following letter which details the process of uniting, and something of what we can expect to come.