Pastoral Care
Pastoral care is a hugely important part of what we do. We have a duty of pastoral care to all in the parish - that's individuals and all the businesses and organisations. Our Pastoral Care team is made up of people who want to reach out and connect with the people in our church, and those outwith.
If there is something on your mind that you'd like to speak to our Pastoral Care team about, please get in touch. Jacky, our pastoral care coordinator, will be glad to hear from you. You can get in touch by email.
During these times of vacancy and following the pandemic, it’s more important than ever that you get in touch and let the church know if you are in need of pastoral care. No one should feel alone or vulnerable, so please do let us know. We have a Locum in place and Jacky will contact him if this is required.
Prayer Chain
We believe that prayer is vital and that through prayer we can support people who are facing challenges in their lives. Our Prayer Chain is a group of people who receive a list of messages by email requesting prayers, who then pray in their own time for these situations. All requests for prayer are confidential so often the prayers are anonymous as we believe God knows for whom we are praying.
We pray for people facing illness, bereavement, redundancy, interviews; and also for joyful times such as the birth of a baby, an engagement or a reunion of friends - and everything in between!
We also have “thank you” prayers when folk want to give thanks for God’s intervention and support.
We pray for people near and far, of all faiths and none.
The Prayer Chain has been part of the church for 38 years now so many prayers have been said, and many people have told us how they feel comforted and have a sense of peace, that they are being upheld in prayer before God.
If there's something you'd like our prayer chain to pray for, you can send a request to Jacky, who will send it round the group. You don't have to give any personal details - you can make your request as general as you are comfortable with.